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Colossians Bible Study Guides
Col | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

The Knowledge of Christ
Receive the Knowledge of Christ
1:1-2 From Us
1:3-8 Thanksgiving for the Reception of the Knowledge of Christ
1:9-23 Praying to be Filled with the Knowledge of Christ
1:24-29 Suffering to Impart the Knowledge of Christ
Stand Firm in the Knowledge of Christ
2:1-7 Being Established in the Knowledge of Christ
2:8-15 Comparing Dogma against the Knowledge of Christ
2:16-23 Exercising Freedom in Accordance with the Knowledge of Christ
Be Transformed by the Knowledge of Christ
3:1-3 Looking Above
3:5-9 Putting off the Old Self
3:10-17 Putting on the New Self
3:18-4:1 Practicing Submission
4:2-6 Praying and Behaving Wisely
4:7-18 Final Greetings

The Berean Christian Bible Study Resources Jan 28,2022