Translations: Chinese GB Big5
1&2 Timothy Study Guides
1Tim | 1a | 1b | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 2Tim | 1 | 2a | 2b | 3 | 4


Exhortations to the Congregation 1:1-3:13

Greetings 1:1-2

Remain in Ephesus to Exhort:

  • False teachers of the Law 1:3-20
  • Men to lead a tranquil and quiet life 2:1-8
  • Women 2:9-15
  • Overseers 3:1-7
  • Ministers 3:8-13
  • Exhortations to Timothy 3:14-6:21

    I will come shortly, but if delayed write
    Command and Teach these things 3:16-4:16
    With respect to the Christians
    Final Exhortation 6:20,21

    The Berean Christian Bible Study Resources

    Edition: Jul 29,2015